A number of UK businesses are finding that despite restrictions easing, they are currently unable to ‘bounce back’ due to skills shortages.
Research from Talent.com has revealed that industries such as hospitality, retail and construction have all reported a struggle to attract enough employees to fill demand with the impact of Covid and Brexit making it even harder.
According to the online talent sourcing specialist, many employers might be making simple mistakes that could cost them top candidates, such as a lack of clear information regarding salary or an overly complex recruitment process.
Noura Dadzie, VP Sales UK & International Markets at Talent.com, explained further, “There’s no doubt that there’s a skills issue in a number of sectors in the UK and the commitment from the government to invest in retraining the workforce to fill these gaps is a promising sign for the future. However, there’s an immediate competition for staff that is creating a real challenge for employers. While we’re seeing promising employment signs – with data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showing a continued increase in vacancies and the employment numbers – there aren’t enough active candidates to fill these roles.”
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Email JaimeDadzie added, “What we are also seeing, though, is some businesses losing potentially perfect candidates because the individual isn’t completely happy with the experience with the brand – often through no direct fault of the business itself. As we identified in our recent eBook, simple mistakes such as a lack of clear information regarding salary, an overly complex recruitment process and lack of communication at each phase of the candidate journey could be costing employers good applicants. Those organisations that are unable to fix these issues quickly will soon find that no matter how many new applicants they are able to engage, their end success will be limited.”
To find out more about contracting please contact Jaime on 01442 795 100 or email jaime.thorpe@dolanaccountancy.com.