A new survey has revealed just how dissatisfied both tax agents and taxpayers are when it comes to HMRC’s service levels.
According to the CIOT survey, which was conducted in July and August 2023, 94% of respondents were either ‘somewhat’ or ‘extremely’ dissatisfied with HMRC’s service levels and 95% said that poor service levels have a ‘moderate’ or ‘significant’ negative impact on the ability to do business.
The majority (96%) said they didn’t have much confidence that these service levels would improve over the next 12 months.
Gary Ashford, CIOT President, said, “These results speak for themselves. Tax advisers and taxpayers have told us of their deep dissatisfaction with HMRC’s service levels.
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Email Jaime“Poor service levels can have a significant impact on their ability to do business. Worryingly, they have little confidence that things will improve any time soon.
“Poor HMRC performance, such as delays in processing registration for taxes and the inability to quickly resolve matters doesn’t just harm the tax system, but has an impact on the wider economic climate too.
“Businesses are left unable to trade properly, individuals are left without much needed repayments, and costs spiral as they repeatedly chase HMRC for progress updates.”
To find out more about contracting please contact Jaime on 01442 795 100 or email jaime.thorpe@dolanaccountancy.com.