We at Dolan Accountancy are delighted to announce that we have won an award at the Contracting Awards 2022.
Held last week at the Grand Ballroom at the Montcalm, the black tie event was certainly one to celebrate – not only because of the fact we won an award, but because we were actually able to attend an occasion ‘in real life, what with the pandemic preventing this over the last couple of years!
In association with Contractor UK and Hiscox, the Contracting Awards is an event that recognises and celebrates top service providers to the contracting community.
Thinking of appointing Dolan Accountancy?
Give us a call on 01442 795 100 or email jaime.thorpe@dolanaccountancy.com.
Email JaimeThe categories were judged by an expert panel who represent a host of specialities across the industry.
We were honoured to receive the award for Best Contractor Accountancy (with 1,000-2,499 clients).
The judges said:
‘Dolan Accountancy clearly provides an extremely high level of customer service, which was evident not only from their contractor reviews and growing number of client referrals, but also the fact that they offer a money back service guarantee.
‘A very worthy winner.’
To find out more about contracting please contact Jaime on 01442 795 100 or email jaime.thorpe@dolanaccountancy.com.