A recent report has suggested that in order for businesses to attract and retain millennials, they must take a different approach to what they’re probably used to.
The Jonathon Lee Recruitment research advises that looking at competitive salaries, flexible working and development are the key factors they need to focus on, as well as providing the younger generation with career opportunities rather than a job for life.
For example, millennials are less likely to be interested in pensions and company cars, with a good work-life balance being considered as being more important.
David Woakes, group business development manager at Jonathon Lee Recruitment, commented, “By next year, more than 50 per cent of the workforce will be made up of millennials. This is a socially confident generation with technology at the forefront of their lives. They have grown up with a very different political and economic backdrop to that of Generation X and, as you would expect, their priorities and aspirations are different.
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Email Jaime“Many employers are frustrated that they have spent time and money recruiting Millennials, simply for them to move on every two to three years as a matter of course. But, it seems, this is the nature of millennials’ career progression, and rather than becoming frustrated, employers must address it head on.”
He added, “Millennials are independent, resourceful thinkers as well as innovative problem solvers who demand development. Businesses can retain them if they are shown an exciting career path. They need challenges and mental stimulation as well as the freedom to think laterally, and to come up with new ways to deliver business goals.
“Employers must look at how they can recognise the priorities and preferences of millennials and meet them halfway. It won’t be long before they are reaping the rewards of their innovation, aspiration and rejuvenation.”
To find out more about contracting please contact Jaime on 01442 795 100 or email jaime.thorpe@dolanaccountancy.com.