A new report ‘Challenging Talent’ carried out by BPS World, looked at the biggest hiring challenges faced by UK businesses, as well as their interview processes, their views on the global talent pool and what their thoughts are about the skills gap within their industry.
When questioned about what they believed to be their biggest hiring challenges over the next decade, the top three mentioned included strong competition for the best talent, Brexit and meeting salary expectations.
Simon Conington, CEO of BPS World, commented, “This research at first appears to show an encouraging confidence from senior executives on the talent flow into and within their businesses. However, their concerns about skills gaps and high turnover rates challenge this sentiment. Any manager who has these concerns should be reviewing their talent acquisition strategies and their approach to candidate and employee engagement, to ensure they are fit for purpose.”
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I want to be a contractorHe added, “Skills gaps and a lack of effective talent are not unique to any industry, and it’s clear that those we surveyed are experiencing challenges associated with finding and retaining the best people. Many were refreshingly honest about where they see room for improvement when it comes to their approach to attracting and hiring people; yet too many are complacent that their strategies are working well, despite the fact that they clearly aren’t.
“It’s important that senior business leaders take a holistic view of their entire approach to managing talent, particularly in a market where competition for the best people is more intense than ever. Quite simply, getting the right talent and keeping them makes the difference between success and failure for UK businesses.”
To find out more about contracting please contact Jaime on 01442 795 100 or email jaime.thorpe@dolanaccountancy.com.