With the self-assessment deadline date looming, more than 31,000 people decided to spend the three-day Christmas period submitting their tax returns.
The HMRC figures show that 2,828 people chose to spend their Christmas Day completing their self-assessment tax return, compared to 2,700 in 2020.
The data found that:
- On Christmas Eve 19,802 tax returns were filed. The peak time was 11:00 to 11:59 when 2,914 returns were received.
- On Christmas Day 2,828 tax returns were filed. The peak time for filing was 12:00 to 12:59 when 227 returns were received.
- On Boxing Day 8,641 tax returns were filed. The peak time for filing was 12:00 to 12:59 when 821 returns were received.
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Email JaimeMyrtle Lloyd, HMRC’s Director General for Customer Services, said, “Filling in a tax return won’t have been on many people’s to-do lists for Christmas, but please don’t leave it until the end of January either.
“We have videos, guidance and helpsheets to support you – just search ‘Self Assessment’ on GOV.UK to find out more.”
For those with any worries about paying their tax by the deadline (31st January 2022), there is the option to set up a Time to Pay arrangement. This is available for those who:
- Have filed their 2020/21 tax return
- Owe less than £30,000
- Are within 60 days of the payment deadline
- Plan to pay their debt off within the next 12 months or less
To find out more about contracting please contact Jaime on 01442 795 100 or email jaime.thorpe@dolanaccountancy.com.