With just over a week until the self-assessment deadline date, HMRC has released the most outlandish excuses for late returns and expense claims.
Some of the strangest excuses from the past year, include:
- My mother-in-law is a witch and put a curse on me.
- I’m too short to reach the post box.
- I was just too busy – my first maid left, my second maid stole from me and my third maid was very slow to learn.
- Our junior member of staff registered our client in self-assessment by mistake because they were not wearing their glasses.
- My boiler had broken and my fingers were too cold to type.
HMRC also revealed some of the most questionable expense claims:
- A carpenter claiming £900 for a 55-inch TV and sound bar to help him price his jobs.
- £60 on extra woolly underwear, for five years.
- £756 for my pet dog insurance.
- A family holiday to Nigeria.
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Email JaimeAngela MacDonald, HMRC Director General of Customer Services, commented, “We want to make it as simple as possible for our customers to do their tax returns and the majority make the effort to do theirs right and on time. But each year we still come across some poor excuses and expenses which range from problems with maids to televisions.
“Help will always be provided for those who have a genuine excuse for not submitting their return on time but it’s unfair to the majority of honest taxpayers when others make bogus claims.
“If you think you might miss the 31 January deadline, get in touch with us now – the earlier we’re contacted, the more we can help.”
To find out more about contracting please contact James on 01442 795 100 or email james.trowell@dolanaccountancy.com.