A new report has surveyed employers across the UK to find out their views on what a government should do to tackle the country’s long-term sickness rates.
A few weeks before the General Election announcement, the government revealed plans to tackle the UK’s ‘sick note culture’.
As a result of this, the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) commissioned Savanta to survey employers on the subject and found that the top option of those presented, was for the government to expand the eligibility for 30-hour childcare entitlement to parents or carers in employment, training or education (55%).
A close second, third and fourth was:
- tackling NHS waiting lists and supporting those on long-term sick back into work (54%)
- targeted occupational health support to give long-term sick access to specialist help and back into work (53%)
- promoting flexible working initiatives to enhance their work-life balance (52%).
Commenting on the findings, REC Deputy Chief Executive Kate Shoesmith said, “It is good for companies’ productivity, and thereby the economy, if we unlock a route to get more people into some of the 1.7 million vacant job postings across the UK. But the diverse solutions given by employers to tackle economic inactivity in our survey suggests solving it is not straightforward or a quick fix for the next government.”

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Kate added, “We welcome the focus to increase childcare provision in both the Labour and Conservative manifesto commitments – but as our survey shows, this must be a priority focus with change happening within the first 100 days of a new government. This will help parents or carers in training or education, and those looking to return to work after a period of absence.
“The survey shows why tackling NHS waiting lists is also fundamental to fixing our inactivity problem. Any future government must be honest with itself and the electorate about the importance of partnering with external suppliers on recruitment and retention strategies for healthcare staff.
“Waiting lists won’t come down without the massive contribution of agency health staff. Fixing the procurement system should be a priority for the next Health Secretary, and our industry is eager to play a part in plans to get the NHS firing on all cylinders.
“52 per cent of survey respondents also attributed better work life balance through flexible work options as a means to tackle sickness. We know that many people work in temporary agency roles to balance a variety of lifestyle needs. Managing a health condition is often cited as a reason people choose to work through agencies, so they pick and choose when and how they work. We need greater acknowledgement from the next government that different ways of working support the economic and social needs of the country.”
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