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Business owners will be interested to learn that as many as 59% of women between the ages of 45 and 55 who are experiencing menopausal symptoms say it has a negative impact on their work.

The CIPD surveyed 1,409 women going through the menopause and of those who were affected negatively at work, they reported the following issues:

  • 65% said they were less able to concentrate
  • 58% said they experience more stress
  • 52% said they felt less patient with clients and colleagues.

Furthermore, 30% said they had taken sick leave because of their symptoms – but only a quarter felt comfortable enough to tell their manager the real reason for their absence.

This was due to privacy (45%), embarrassment (34%) and having an unsupportive manager (32%).

To break the stigma associated with the menopause, the CIPD has released free guidance on managing the menopause in the workplace. It recommends that employers educate and train line managers so they are knowledgeable and confident to have sensitive conversations with staff about their symptoms and any adjustments that might be needed.

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It emphasises that even small changes like having a fan or access to flexible working can make a big difference in how women manage their symptoms and thrive in their jobs.

Rachel Suff, senior policy adviser for the CIPD, commented, “It’s likely that nearly every workplace in the UK has someone experiencing the menopause right now but many managers are in the dark on how best to support them. Rather than it being a workplace taboo, line managers should be ready to treat the menopause like any other health condition and have open, supportive conversations with women in their teams.

“Our guidance shows that if employers create a culture where everyone can talk openly about health issues, such as the menopause, women are much more likely to feel confident about asking for the support they need to be effective in their role. Mangers also need to work closely with their HR teams to understand what simple, practical adjustments can be made to help women feel more comfortable and able to manage their work.”

To find out more about contracting please contact Jaime on 01442 795 100 or email

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  • Free Company Formation – This is where it all begins. Once you have decided on an available name, we will form your company free of charge (if using our accountancy services) and it will be ready for you to use in as little as three hours
  • Free use of Contractor Umbrella – With IR35 Legislation changes we understand that sometimes you are required to contract via an umbrella company. We will keep your limited company ticking over, while you work margin free via our sister company, Contractor Umbrella
  • A Dedicated Accountant – Your accountant will be there for any company or personal tax advice that you require. We will never outsource work, even to internal teams
  • Free Access to FreeAgent – We offer all of our clients access to FreeAgent, free of charge
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  • Unlimited IR35 Status Reviews – We will review all of your contracts for IR35 purposes and provide you with our professional opinion as to its status
  • Free Registered and Director’s Service Office Address – Sometimes you just don’t want your home address on display at Companies House. When you sign up to our accountancy services, we will offer the use of our address as an alternative
  • Your Business and Personal Taxation Needs – This includes Company Accounts, Director’s Personal Tax Return, VAT Returns, Payroll, Corporation Tax and Dividend advice, to name just a few

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